Jessica Kasinski Webpage

Skills: Figma | Adobe Illustrator | Squarespace

Jessica Kasinski is an opera singer with over 20 years of experience in need of a website to reflect her career and showcase her previous performances. Jessica has an extensive resume of her performances, unique roles, and education in music. She wants the website to reflect her professional accomplishments in a way that also expresses her personality.

About the Project

Jessica expressed while building her webpage that she would only want it to be one page with anchor links. She wished to have a simple and condensed page while keeping it informative. Her page was designed using Squarespace, as the versatility and ease of use of the web builder was best suited for her. Along with building the webpage, she was also given a custom step-by-step walk through of how to do a few things that she will need to do in the future, as well as explaining a few of the features and what they are for. It is to benefit her in helping her understand her website better and for the possibility that there could be other designers she might reach out to for design help or to further her website.


Rothy's Website Redesign