Call of Duty “Survive or Succumb” Cosplay Contest

Skills: Figma | Photoshop | Illustrator | After Effects Intuit Mailchimp

Call of Duty is a popular video game series and media franchise published by Activision starting in 2003. Since then, there have been 23 main released titles of the game, including a mobile game and a game for the PS Vita. Of them, 8 titles have the popular “zombies” mode that fans have made canon with the series.

About the Project

This project aimed to take a series that is so beloved by fans and create something that would still garner excitement. I wanted to keep engagement with fans and the series, so I devised a “Survive or Succumb” cosplay contest, where the grand prize would be the winner’s costume to become a game skin, ensuring their mark in the COD universe forever. To keep the incentive, I included the ability for contestants to win smaller prizes, such as in-game currency and merch. There needed to be a landing page design, three emails going out to fans, and a social media video to entice people to enter.


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